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Regain Your First Love

Writer: Real Life ChurchReal Life Church

Written by Adam Jackson

We started a brand new series in our Thursday Night Discipleship class on "The Seven Letters." This is a study on the 7 letters written to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation. The author John was exiled to the island of Patmos & has an encounter with Jesus who shows him these events that must be documented which writes the book of Revelation. Ever since this book is written people have tried to figure out when the end will come. As it states no man knows the day or the hour of Christ's return. Not even the son of man himself. But we must be ready at all times for Christ's return for the church. It is important that we are to be always ready. Let's dive into the first letter to the church of Ephesus.

Revelation 2:1-7

1 Write this letter to the angel of the church in Ephesus. THis is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lampstands: 2. I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. 3. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting.

4 But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! 5. Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don't repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches. 6. But this is in your favor: You hate the evil deeds of the Nicolaitans, just as I do. 7. Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God.

I want to start off asking you to remember back with me. For married couples remember back when you first got married. That newness, that excitement, that enthusiasm for one another. Or think back to when you bought your first house. I can remember that like it was 5 years ago. Oh wait, it has been 5 years ago. But when you got those keys in your hand & moving in (though the moving part sucks lets be real.) But it's a new home. It's your home! Or when you started a new job or when you started that new years resolution to get fit & lose weight. That excitement, that enthusiasm is there!

Often that newness fades away because its not new anymore. However that does not mean we should stop caring for it any less or not devote as much time and effort as before. An attitude like that at work can get your fired. And a spouse with a similar attitude will destroy a marriage. How about your relationship with God? If it fades away with time, will he continue to see us the same way?

The church of Ephesus had it going on. The worked hard, they did great works, they endured. If you read in Act ch 19:8-23 you'll see the great works they did. Verse 18 says " Many who became believers confessed their sinful practices. In verse 20 "So the message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect." But if you read 23 to 41 you'll see riots in Ephesus. Serious trouble developed. But at some point the church of Ephesus lost their first love. They lost the enthusiasm possibly due to compromise, oppression, procrastination, sin, complacency.

They had an electric start that their works were noticed by the entire city and the gospel spread rapidly. However everything stopped when they stopped having Jesus as their first love. Thus why this letter in Revelation was written.

So I ask you these questions to think about.

  1. What are the major changes that you noticed in your life after you decided to follow Christ?

  2. Compared to then, what is the level of intensity in these changes now?

  3. What would be the top 5 "loves" for you in your life currently? How can you ensure that Jesus remains at the top spot?

Luke 14:26 says "If you want to be my Disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison - your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple."

What does this mean? It simply means Christ is to be first in all things. He is to be priority in our lives to the point we are willing to give up family for Him. He is to be our first love.

Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be.

Jesus is comparing himself as Treasure. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be. Do you treasure Christ? Is he priority in your daily life? I've been preaching for years to make Jesus a priority in your life. And the things I see in our world today there is a lack of priority for Him. There are the faithful few who attends church regularly (of course you have to include the online goers now days due to a pandemic world.) But if we really look closer; you can still be a faithful church goer, faithful to serving & doing great works & still lose your first love. How? Those "great works" can take the place of God in our lives. And I've been guilty of this myself if we want to get real here. I love serving in our church. I enjoy it. But if I'm not spending time with God in prayer, worship, or bible study, I fail at developing my relationship with him. How can I love someone if I don't spend time with them? That the dangers this letter warns. We have to get back to what made us fall in love with Him in the first place.

Again what causes us to lose our first love? Sin, compromise, oppression, complacency, procrastination, ect. Just like in a marriage it takes work. We have to put the work into our relationship with Christ to keep that love going strong. Sacrifice everything else for him. Because in the end that all who matters. Return to your first love & repent otherwise your lampstand will go out. You won't shine that light anymore. I need him daily & so do you. Return through prayer, spending time with him, getting to know him through the word of God. Those are essential! I'll take it a step further, share Christ with someone. If you are truly enthusiastic about him, share him today. A silent Christian isn't a growing Christian. We have to share him.

I leave you with one of my favorite verses that helps me; Romans 12:11 "Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically."

I encourage you to join us on Thursday Nights 6:30pm if you are able to make it for our Thursday Night Discipleship. Discipleship matters.



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